August 14, 2009

ONE Year Old!

Wow. One year. One year? One year has passed since our bambino was born on August 4, 2008, at Imma and Grandpa Salminen's house. What marvels we've witnessed! Ezra celebrated his birthday with his family at the cabin. It was wonderful in every way. Thank you to everyone who has loved on, cherished, nuzzled, made giggle, gifted and most importantly prayed for Ezra this year. At this very time last summer, we didn't know if he would make it. God is faithful and good. There has been no year so full of abundant blessings as this....

Such a big boy, blowing out his own candle.

Truth to be told, he prefers watermelon over absolutely anything. Having had 4 giant pieces of it before he was offered his cake meant more carrot cake for the rest of us. His first little trantrum, in fact, was over watermelon. I'm sorry baby, but you just can't eat the green part!

We had to secure him in this little seat for the cake eating ceremony. It worked great!

Cousin Josie came for the party. She likes watermelon, too.

Smiling birthday boy:) I like this present thing happening...

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Rude!
More watermelon love

Happy Birthday To You


  1. OH YAY! I've been waiting for the 1 year post. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EZRA! Looks like he had a lovely birthday.

  2. Hip, Hip Hooray for sweet little Ezra! Happy 1st Birthday. Cooper and I have enjoyed watching Ezra this past year and truly look forward to your posts. Coop is especially fond of the video clips. Here's to a happy, fun filled year #2 filled with lots of adventures!
